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Nov 23 2011

LC #1003, 10/21/10

by admin in Uncategorized with 0 Comments

Libertarian Counterpoint #1003: political news commentary, 10/21/10. Panel: David Peters, Richard Fields, Gary Bryant Topics: 1. Proposition 20 would take redistricting power for congressional districts away from state legislators and give it to 14 member independent panel. 2. Proposition 27 would eliminate that panel and move all redistricting responsibility back to legislature. 3. Proposition 21 would enact a new $18 vehicle tax in exchange for free parking and admission to state parks for people in cars that pay the tax. 4. Proposition 22 would prevent California state government from “borrowing” fuel and local property taxes from local governments to paper over state deficits. 5. Proposition 23 would suspend AB 32 global warming regulations indefinitely. 6. Proposition 24 would raise business taxes. 7. Proposition 25 would reduce margin to pass budget in California from 2/3s to simple majority. 8. Proposition 26 would require 2/3 vote to increase fees.
This article was published at Accounting Services of Charlotte, NC

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