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Aug 20 2011

What solids careers are combined with a lot of business,arts and communications?

because i love art and communication and business but i want a solid career or major i dont feel that just the study of one of them is going to benefits or satisfy me the best because i want business but that entire thing about laws of taxes and numbers (bores me)drives me crazy sometimes but if i study only art or communication i dont feel im going to make enough money? so what do you suggest?

This conversation was published at Accounting Services of Charlotte, NC

Jul 29 2011

What should I consider in changing careers?

by admin in Uncategorized with 1 Comment

Hi everyone. Thanks for looking at my question.

I am 32 and have almost completed a BS degree in Accounting. My boyfriend could not find work, so we relocated.

I think I would make a mediocre accountant, and I have struggled with boredom completing homework and during many of my classes. It has taken me years to get to this stage in my degree bc it just does not do it for me. Also, I won’t graduate with much more than a 2. 6 GPA. . . . so finding work will be a challenge.

I was talked out of going to school for my area of interest and want to take my life back.

I wonder, since I am educated, should I pursue Interior Design rather than Cosmetology. I also wonder if I am too old to begin a career as a stylist.

Can anyone offer any constructive advice/experience?

Can you recommend any colleges for Interior Design in the Charlotte, NC area?

This conversation was published at Accounting Services of Charlotte, NC

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