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Nov 19 2011

Independent Contractor v. Employee-

Do you know the difference between an independent contractor and an employee? This video from will help answer that question. The distinction between an independent contractor and an employee is important. If the worker is an employee, then the employer is responsible for withholding taxes. For a full, printable tip sheet please visit http
This article was published at Accounting Services of Charlotte, NC

Aug 30 2010

Employee Compensation while on salary?

Question by AlphaNomega : Employee Compensation while on salary? I am working at my first job and it’s as an administrative assistant on salary (been 3 months now). My bosses bought the commercial building we work in and instead of hiring a building manager, he had me do the building management (maybe to save them money?) As well as being an administrative assistant for their business (engineering firm). Now, the accountant is fired, and I am having to do some of his work as well. I am working LONG hours for all three positions at once but am on salary. However, being a “building manager” and an “accountant” is not part of the original job description when I signed the papers for a salaried Adman / hr Lastly, they have not formally ackowledged me as a building manager or accounting assistant. I can not leave the job now considering it will look bad on my resume as possibly “unsteady work history. Is there any legal issues in this situation? Any rights I should be aware of? Anything I can do to improve on what I see as unfair situation? I feel like they are taking financial advantage of me since I am what they consider a hard worker. This is very stressful for me because I constantly have to deal with an unsatisfied boss who gets upset because I did not finish doing one job because I had to deal with another job. Ex: Boss wants me to FedEx a package by a certain time, but suddenly a tenant calls and says that there is a plumbing problem in the women’s restroom. I have to spend to hr or so dealing with that issue before running back and finishing what the boss requests. Boss screams and I secretly go and cry because I feel useless.

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Best answer:

Answer by danny14551
They might be taking advantage of you, but it is not illegal. You could try talking to your bosses about it, but it is not unusual for an administrative assistant to do many other jobs around the office. Causing too must of an uproar about it could cost you your job.

This article was published at Bookkeeping Services of Charlotte, NC Give your answer to this question below!

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