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Nov 06 2011

Gov. Perry: Strong Families and Small Businesses Keep Texas on the Right Track

3/3/2011 – SAN ANTONIO – Gov. Rick Perry today pledged to continue strengthening the jobs climate that has allowed Texas families and small businesses to thrive by keeping taxes low, and discussed the importance of preserving the state’s Rainy Day Fund. The governor spoke at Kel-Lac Uniforms Inc., which provides uniforms for law enforcement agencies and American military troops. “Small businesses and families have been dealing with the impact of the global recession, finding new ways to tighten their belts, separating wants from needs, and making responsible decisions to live within their means,” Gov. Perry said. “We are obligated to taxpayers to take those same steps, make government more efficient and cut spending without raising taxes and without expending the Rainy Day Fund, which would only delay tough decisions and leave us unprepared to handle bigger emergencies in the future.” for more information:
This article was published at Accounting Services of Charlotte, NC

Oct 08 2011

Save Texas Schools Protest Inside Capitol 6/4/11

ON Saturday June 6th 2011 More than 200 teachers and parents protested against state cuts in school funding in a gathering at the rotunda of the Texas Capitol on Monday. They lined the hallway leading to the House chamber as lawmakers arrived for a brief floor session, waving placards and singing a song that ended with, “We will vote you out.” The protest organized by the American Federation of Teachers was intended to pressure lawmakers to alter their plan to cut $4 billion from the state’s obligation to school districts. Public education in Texas is paid for with state-collected sales and business taxes and local property taxes. State Republican leaders and the Republican-controlled Legislature have chosen to close a $27 billion budget shortfall mostly through cutting state services. They tapped $3.2 billion of the state’s nearly $10 billion Rainy Day Fund to cover a deficit in the current budget, but lawmakers chose not to use it any further. Chanting “Spend the Rainy Day Fund,” the teachers and parents protesting Monday oppose firing teachers and closing schools, which will be necessary if the new school finance plan becomes law. The Senate passed the bill on Friday and the House is expected to take it up on Thursday. If the House does not modify the legislation, it will then go to the governor. The bill is necessary to balance the state budget. Read more: To learn more visit: Produced for Austin Indymedia by Jeff Zavala. A
This article was published at Accounting Services of Charlotte, NC

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