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Aug 11 2011

A question regarding how parents’ tax/business records affect their children’s college financial aid?

My sister’s daughters get some kind of financial aid from their universities. My sister is considering starting a new business but she is concerned that the records of her owning a new business(with the Tax ID and income records) will make her daughters not qualified for their financial aids.
Pleas give suggestion of sources of facts that we can look into.

This conversation was published at Accounting Services of Charlotte, NC

Aug 10 2011

Am I making a mistake leaving one college after 2 years, then trying next year for a better school?

I go to Johnson and Wales in charlotte right now, its horrible and I hate everything about it, I know if I graduate Im never gonna get a good job and Ill be stuck in that satanic institution Bank Of America in this hell hole of North Carolina,

and I’m constantly embarassed whenever someone asks me where I go to college, Ive actually started to lie and say I go to a local community college

So Im about to finish my 2nd year with a 3. 25 GPA and an Associates Degree in accounting, they don’t off calculus and I failed the course at CPCC (Community College) so I can’t transfer in next year,

I plan to use next year to retake Calculus and some other courses and then try to transfer into NC State as a junior in 2009-2010. to get my bachelors in accounting.

am I making a mistake.

I would want more then anything to go to NC state and see what a real college is like, I absolutely hate Johnson and Wales. but I don’t know what i’m gonna do If I don’t get into state

my dad is giving me this one year provided I pay for all my CC courses myself, and If I don’t get back into a 4 year university then I’m out of the house.

Can I really get into state with the Associates in Accounting from Johnson and Wales (They are accredited) and some other courses from a Community College (Im only gonna take enough to be a full time student and all of them will be for transferring into NC STATE). please help me

This conversation was published at Accounting Services of Charlotte, NC

Aug 08 2011

Bad college choices make me feel my life is ruined, is it that bad?

Okay, after High school I went straight into Johnson and Wales university at Charlotte for accounting (I love accounting)

I went for 2 reasons
1. They accepted me
2. I was always picked on in school so I was so un-used to people being nice to me that the acceptance I got from total strangers drew me right in

For a while it was nice, but then stuff just started to stack up

1. Everyone kept calling me a Chef, IM NOT A GOD DAMN COOK even at job interviews with accounting temp agencies asked me If i was training to be a chef when I had my accounting experience written on my god damn resume right in front of them

2. There were too many black people I KNOW I KNOW it sounds so wrong, but there were like 6 black guys to every white guy its hard to make freinds enough as it is, what about people i have nothing in common with, and I don’t like black girls so meeting a girl was impossible

3. Yes its shallow but I just could not meet a girl there, so many students were black or married

4. I couldn’t stand a 40 minute commute every day

5. The schedule was broken up into trimesters so classes were 2. 5 hours long and breaks were only about a week and a half and never lined up with other schools so I could never do anything social

6. there was no social life what so ever, the only place anything happend was in the dorms and I couldn’t get in the dorms beacuse I didn’t know anyone.

7. The damn Television ads that made my school look like a bullshit community college, and all the people who would always talk about how easy it was to get in and how they don’t even look at your grades

So after 2 years of this and getting my associates and the sad realization that I just wasted 2 years of my life (AND ALOT OF MONEY) I decided that I have to get out and go to a REAL school, so In my last term I took calculus at the community college (it was the only class that I needed and they didn’t teach it, a college without a calculus course figure that out) and beacuse I suck at math, I failed and was left with no way out

so after alot of arguing with my dad and crying from my mom who no matter how much evidence i showed them refused to believe that Johnson and wales was a horrible 2nd rate school (there from Rhode Island where a degree from that campus is actually worth something)

I got to go to community college this year (passed calculus and I am in my second semester)

now I have to apply to NC state (where I really want to go) and UNC Charlotte (my back up, wich I would hate to go)

College is really the last chance I have to be a kid, High school sucked and I always thought I would go to a normal college where I went their for 4 years got my bachelors and then go on, but I’m going to be in school for 5 years,

I always thought people who got their bachelors in 5 years were lazy ne’er do wells, i guess its the universes way of teaching me a lesson. and before I knew how shitty my school was I always made fun of UNCC students (we called it the Default school)

If I don’t get into State or UNCC then my life is ruined. . . plain and simple.

This conversation was published at Accounting Services of Charlotte, NC

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