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Sep 11 2011

Would a business tend to hire a person that is currently a college student or non college student?

One of my friends say they tend to high a person that is currently a student over someone that is not currently a student. He said the reason is, they get some benefits form it, such as a tax break. I wanna know if this is true. Also same question but this time for government type jobs, like library, public transit like MTA.

My TAP is about to run out so I need to get a job to make up for that lost aid.

This conversation was published at Accounting Services of Charlotte, NC

Sep 03 2011

For college apps, should my parents go for higher income taxes or lower income taxes?

I am an uprising senior and my parents are wondering if they should apply for higher or lower income taxes, since they own their own businesses and their income varies throughout the year unlike workers. So i guess the question is, does their income rate affect the odds of my admission into certain colleges? Should we go for a higher or lower tax rate?

This conversation was published at Accounting Services of Charlotte, NC

Aug 18 2011

If I go to college for business management; what are the possibilities afterwords?

I plan to go to TSTC in Waco, Texas for Business Management.

What all doors does this open up for me after I graduate?
These are the courses I am taking.

Introduction to Accounting
Accounting II
Payroll and Business Tax Accounting
Small Business Management
Business Law
Technical Customer Service
Laws of Cyberspace and Ethical Issues
Introduction to Keyboards
Business Math and Machine Applications
Business English
Professional Development for Office Personnel
Aviation Law

This conversation was published at Accounting Services of Charlotte, NC

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