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Nov 16 2011

PETA (No) Vegan Outreach (Yes) Leaflet Protest – New York City (Animal Activism) Peta wall street (Help), (Factory Farms) Health, Hunger, Environment Solutions!, (videos, facts, info),
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  1. animalabusinglosers9November 16, 2011 at 6:37 pm

    Economic connection: greedy meat industries promote for us to consume more baby cow milk and cooked flesh with commercials that brainwash us. It is not healthy, vegans live longer! A) It would save our health care system billions (obama even did a vegan outreach video – look up). B) Our environment. C) Billions of mammals tortured in sick abusive/unsanitary factory farms MeatVideo (dot) com. D) End World Hunger-feeding our corn/grains to animals only yields 1lb of flesh per 10lbs of feed. . .

  2. CreatorOfTheUniverseNovember 16, 2011 at 7:20 pm

    0:40 guy in green sweater walks by. 2:32 guy in green walks by a second time.

  3. SaveSomeAnimalsNovember 16, 2011 at 8:00 pm

    Im sure if they (peta) did do it though, they would have a big gimmick (someone laying in a meat tray) trying to get a 10 second edited clip mocking us on a small news station that a few thousand may see rather than just giving what we want (graphic/factual) info to 1,000′s each day! Just let people know the truth too for a change – that would have got me to change sooner. So glad peta is not doing grassroots stuff, in big cities, rather have nothing be done at times

  4. animalrightsrightnowNovember 16, 2011 at 8:35 pm

    Animal Terrorism :)

  5. animalrightsrightnowNovember 16, 2011 at 9:01 pm

    100,000′s saw my signs today in line of sight unlike all the commercial billboards that blend in after awhile. You can do this too – look up my highway signs videos (you can/should do it too) youtube (dot) com/watch?v=XcabMmMZ14w&featur­e=related houstonhelpanimals @ yahoo (casey)

  6. animalrightsrightnowNovember 16, 2011 at 9:17 pm

    We did this for a few hours today. I often do it alone – leaflet with signs nearby on the ground or hold signs for awhile. . . but have a real job so cannot do as much as needs to be done! Peta sucks, no field activists in bigger cities with all that money! They should be doing this not volunteers killing ourselves leafleting all the time and promoting when not at our jobs. Of course most just dont do it either. AdoptaCollege (dot) org by vegan outreach is a much better group that needs the help

  7. animalrightsrightnowNovember 16, 2011 at 9:25 pm

    Tons of shocked looks, opens eyes so that they may do more research solo. Leafleting alone here I target youths but miss most people in general due to so many so signs can reach more. Also, many dont take it-even younger tourists who are normally curious-either shy or because of so many leafleters for businesses and vendors so after awhile they ignore us all. Im at eye level in the main intersection so get more attention than billboards in NYC Times Sq PETA should do this more not a volunteer?

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